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除了火山以外,另一個讓我有「讀萬卷書,行萬里路」的感動的就是毛納基。毛納基在夏威夷語中為「白山」之意,是夏威夷第一高峰,海拔超過 4200 公尺,是夏威夷人心目中的聖地,也是全世界公認最佳的觀星地點。因為以前讀書時對地理和地科涉獵稍多,我知道毛納基有許多全世界最好的天文望遠鏡,許多關於天文和氣候研究的重要數據都是在此收集的,我以前在芝加哥的阿德勒天文館當志工時,也常常跟訪客介紹毛納基的天文研究。雖然我離開科研工作已有數年,跟最新的地科研究有些脫節,但是毛納基在我心目中依然擁有崇高的地位。在我們到訪之前,毛納基剛經歷了幾場暴雪,我們原以為沒有機會朝聖,但幸運的是,在我們旅途的最後一天,天氣放晴,我們從大島東部的希洛就可以看見毛納基白雪覆蓋的峰頂,所以我們就開著租來的大吉普,顛顛簸簸地上了山(沿途看還見好多夏威夷人載著一卡車一卡車的雪下了山)。上山的路上怪石嶙峋,幾乎寸草不生,我們彷彿到了另一個沒有生命的星球。過了雪線,我們看見了許多壯觀的火山錐,彷彿是灑滿糖粉的巨大薑餅屋。山頂上是零下一度的低溫(我上一次經歷零下的低溫,好像還是在芝加哥),在刺骨的寒風中,我見到了傳說中的天文台,也在瑩瑩的白雪和遼闊的雲海中,看見了最令我屏息的一次日落,為我們的夏威夷之行劃下了完美的句點。


After a few days in Kaua’i, we traveled to the Island of Hawai’i. Hawai’i is also known as the “Big Island.” As its name suggests, it is the largest island in the state of Hawai’i. It is also the southernmost island and the second southernmost place I have been to, after Sanya. Although the Big Island is big, the population density and number of tourists are low. It felt much more rural than Kaua’i, yet we were wowed by new wonders on the Big Island every day. 

We snorkeled at night and saw the legendary manta rays for the very first time. Manta rays are also known as “devilfish” — presumably their horn-shaped cephalic fins make them look evil (even though they are totally harmless). They are one of the largest fish species in the world: their wingspan can go up to 29 ft and can weigh up to 3 tons. Although manta rays are giant, they are filter feeders and a harmless endangered species. In the past, I have only seen pictures of manta rays in books and on the internet. Their giant bodies, wing-like pectoral fins, and uniquely shaped heads make them look like aliens, and I couldn’t imagine seeing them in real life. When we snorkeled, we saw a large group of manta rays swimming freely right above the seabed, backflipping to the surface one after another. (My arms accidentally got hit by them several times.) In the glowing ocean, I felt as if I was in a bizarre fantasy, and I couldn’t tell if I was in a dream even after I got out of the water.

The Big Island is known for its agriculture, so we visited two farms. I love chocolate, so of course one of them was a chocolate farm. When we went to Köln in 2019, we visited the Schokoladenmuseum (Chocolate Museum) and learned about the industrialized chocolate production process starting from cacao beans. (We also ate a lot of free chocolate samples). But in Hawai’i, we got to see the origin of chocolate, the cacao trees, and learned about how small family businesses in Hawai’i competed with giant corporates by finding their niches in the market. 

On the other farm (O.K. Farms), we saw what a lot of spices look like in their natural habitats before they go into the spice jars in my kitchen, such as cloves, allspice, curry, nutmeg and mace, and cinnamon. We tasted the flesh in cacao pods just like the geckos on the Big Island, and our tour guide (who is also the daughter of the owner of the farm) treated us with a lot of fresh tropical fruits, including apple bananas, longan, starfruit, rambutans, and macadamia. Not exactly the same as the tropical fruits I used to eat in Taiwan, but they still felt familiar. She also told us COVID revealed a lot of underlying issues with the produce supply chain in Hawai’i.  Since tourists stopped coming, resorts and restaurants stopped ordering produce from local farms to feed the tourists. On the other hand, produce in their grocery stores used to come with passenger planes from mainland US. When passenger flights stopped coming to Hawai’i, goods from mainland US also could not be imported. This created a very strange phenomenon, where the local farms had huge surpluses with nowhere to sell, but grocery stores had tons of empty shelves. COVID hit agriculture in Hawai’i really hard, but it created an opportunity for Hawaiians to create a food network that is based on local farms and consumers. Hopefully, they can become less dependent on US corporate giants and tourists in the future. I also reflected on my own spending habits. Perhaps when I buy things, whether I am at home or traveling, I can try to support local businesses more instead of absentmindedly letting megacorporations make all the money.

In addition to the farms, we went to Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park. Volcanic landforms are not new to me. I have been learning a lot about them in geography and earth science classes since high school. I have also seen a lot of volcanic landforms on the West Coast: Mono-Inyo Craters near Mammoth Mountain, hydrothermal areas and Subway Cave at Lassen, the pristinely blue Crater Lake in Oregon, Petrified Forest resulting from an eruption at Mt. Saint Helena, the lava fields and lava tubes at Lava Beds National Monument…etc. But in Hawai’i, I saw live volcanic activities for the first time: smoking fumaroles, mist and drizzles caused by volcanic ashes, volcanic clouds that could be seen from miles away, and active, flowing lava (after hiking a mile in the rain at night). The glowing hot lava dyed half of the night sky orange, which reminded me of Chicago — at Northwestern, when I used to walk by Lake Michigan at night, I could always see Chicago singlehandedly light up half of the night sky. When I saw the flowing lava, its bright flames, and the glowing network that looked like a giant spider net, I felt the same excitement as when I saw a glacier for the first time in Alaska earlier this year — I finally got to see what I learned from books in real life. Once again, I was thrilled to live up to the spirit of “read ten thousand books, travel ten thousand miles.”

Other than the volcanoes, another place that also touched me deeply was Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea is an abbreviation of Mauna a Wākea, which means “white mountain.” It is almost 14k ft tall, making it the tallest peak in Hawai’i. It is sacred in Hawaiian religions and is the best place for astronomical observation in the world. I know Mauna Kea has some of the best telescopes in the world, and a lot of important data for astronomy and climate research were collected there. When I used to volunteer at Adler Planetarium in Chicago, I often talked about the telescopes and research at Mauna Kea with museum visitors. Although I have not been doing scientific research for a few years and am behind on the latest earth science research, Mauna Kea still holds a special place in my heart. Mauna Kea got hit by a blizzard a few days before we visited, so I thought we would not have a chance to go. Thankfully, it cleared up on our last day in Hawai’i, and we could see the snow-covered summit from Hilo. Therefore, we drove our giant rental Jeep Gladiator to the summit. (As we were driving up, we saw many locals coming down with their shovels and truck-loads of snow.) The way up was very rocky and deserted, and it felt as if we were driving through another lifeless planet. There were many spectacular cinder cones above the snow line, and they all looked like giant gingerbread houses covered in confectioner’s sugar. At the summit, the temperature was below -1ºC (the last time I experienced such cold weather was probably still in Chicago). In the biting cold wind, I saw the legendary Mauna Kea observatories, as well as the most breathtaking sunset among the pristinely white snow and a vast sea of clouds, ending our trip to Hawai’i on a high note. 

2021 is another year filled with many ups and downs for me: I am unable to go back to Taiwan because of COVID, I still have not recovered from losing my mom, and I hit another major bottleneck at work right before our trip. But thankfully, we were able to have our wedding and celebrated with our friends a year later, we finally got to reunite with Team Turducken during Thanksgiving, and we visited the two states outside of the contiguous US (Alaska and Hawai’i), building a lot of precious memories. In Hawai’i, I was able to validate a lot of knowledge I learned from books, and the surroundings made me feel as if I was back in Taiwan from time to time. I used to have a detailed plan for my life (and many backup plans if my original plan fails); in the past two years, I learned to live my life to the best I can when my plan was disrupted and none of my backup plans worked. I hope 2022 will be a better year, for me and for the rest of the world.