My trip to Tanzania this August was one of the most unique and memorable adventures in my life. Everything I experienced there shook me deeply and changed my perspective.
“Echoes of Twilight” @ Lover’s Leap | 《暮色迴響》
When I came back from Lover’s Leap this July, “Echoes of Twilight” got pushed to me by a YouTube playlist. I immediately fell in love with the melody and wanted to make a cover. I thought it would be neat to combine this with my highlights from Lover’s Leap (even though the lyrics is completely out of context).
七月中從 Lover’s Leap 攀岩回來,在家裡聽音樂時,YouTube 向我推送了這首《暮色迴響》。我一聽就愛上了它的旋律——雖然它的歌詞跟攀岩完全沒關係,但是那聲空靈的「神啊,可不可以讓我感受一下」響起的瞬間,我眼前浮現了我們先鋒攀岩時,拉著繩索沿著高聳入雲的峭壁攀登而上的畫面。我當時就想試試自己翻唱,並結合一些我在 Lover’s Leap 攀岩的回憶。
33 · Kilimanjaro | 33 · 吉力馬札羅
I visited Tanzania in late August to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro and do a safari with Callisto, Andy, and Conrad. My trip was truly exceptional — it was my first time ever in Africa, and the experience touched me deeply. Just like the past 9 years, I wanted to do something new and meaningful for my birthday, and my trip to Tanzania exceeded my expectations in every possible way.
今年八月底,我和 Callisto, Andy, Conrad 一起在坦尚尼亞爬了吉力馬札羅山,並去了一趟獵遊。這段旅程對我來說意義非凡——這是我人生第一次去非洲,許多所見所聞都帶給了我深深的震撼與感動。就像過去九年一樣,每年生日我都希望做一件以前沒做過、有意義的事——我在坦尚尼亞的經歷遠遠超出了預期。
《夜空中最亮的星》| “The Brightest Star in the Night Sky”
Happy birthday Dad! Thank you for always encouraging me to chase my dreams, and for being the brightest star in my night sky.
《一葷一素》| “Mom’s Cooking”
Happy birthday mom! Thanks to Hsiao-Tung, I have been listening to and learning many Mao Buyi’s songs in the past two years. Mao Buyi wrote “Mom’s Cooking” for his mother, who died from cancer. As you might have guessed, I broke down when I first heard this song.
Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim | 穿越大峽谷
On June 16th, I completed the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim (R2R) hike with Steve. It was an absolutely epic adventure.
六月十六日,我和 Steve 一起完成了徒步穿越大峽谷。這絕對是一場史詩級的冒險。
《消愁》| “Drown Your Sorrows”
Happy birthday, Hsiao-Tung! Thanks to you, I learned another song by Mao Buyi.
在佛利蒙的三年 | 3 Years in Fremont
It’s hard to believe that I have already lived in Fremont for 3 years. I have been enjoying Fremont much more than I expected — hope it will only get better from here.
《白馬入蘆花》| “White Horse Among Reed Flowers”
今年初,偶然在 YouTube 的隨機播放清單聽到《白馬入蘆花》,立刻愛上了這首歌充滿畫面感的歌詞。
Earlier this year, “White Horse Among Reed Flowers” came up in my YouTube recommended playlist, and I immediately fell in love with its picturesque lyrics.
京都 | Kyoto
Last December, my family went on a trip to Kyoto together. I am thankful that we got to travel with my dad to a city that he has always wanted to visit — we built a lot of beautiful memories that I know I will cherish for the rest of my life. In the future, I hope the time I get to spend with my family can always be warm and amazing, no matter where we are in the world.