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525,600 Minutes Since I Left Northwestern

Well, I would say I could measure the past year in how many times life has hit me — probably more than it did during all my four years at Northwestern combined. But just like what Khalid said to me winter quarter of my freshman year, “Pain makes you strong.” — with each hit, life has indeed made me grow stronger and taught me to appreciate things around me more.

525,600 Minutes Since I Left Northwestern Read More


2009 年 9 月 9 日,十八歲生日當天,我懷著躊躇滿志卻又忐忑不安的心情,離開了我的家鄉臺灣,來到位於埃文斯頓(Evanston, 芝加哥北部的郊區)的西北大學。當我第一次站在校園中,在密西根湖畔遠眺寶藍湖面上的點點風帆時,我的心中只盈滿了夢想成真的狂喜,對未來的期許卻依然模糊。當時我尚未意識到,我生命中最重要最難忘的四年,即將在這個鍾靈毓秀的校園中展開。

《西北之聲》散文集序 Read More

Goodbye Northwestern

Just a few days away from my departure. My boxes were shipped and my room is mostly packed up now. As I am getting ready to leave Evanston, I find it very difficult to believe that I have already spent four years at Northwestern. I still remember so clearly how excited I was when I first set foot on campus on my 18th birthday — I had seen so many gorgeous pictures of Northwestern in all the brochures that the Admission Office sent me, and when I was finally here, everything just looked so much better than the pictures.

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