I couldn’t find words to describe my love and appreciation for the Meade Lab, so I made a music video. 🙂
我是聽校園民歌長大的孩子,這首葉佳修作曲填詞、潘安邦演唱的《年輕人的心聲》我已聽過無數遍,但前幾天我在我的 iTune 上聽見潘安邦清亮純厚、活力十足的嗓音唱著這段熟悉的旋律,突然覺得這首歌真的是我過去三年半來心情的寫照(或許除了我不會彈吉他之外),連我的名字都天衣無縫地融入歌詞裡了!
Back in Evanston. I am sitting in front of my French window, looking at the glittering lake and listening to the music with which my heart has been beating in the past week. Just like my spring trip, this ASB winter trip to DC turned out to be one of the best weeks in my life: a charming city, a group of wonderful people, and an amazing journey.
Birthday Letter from Dad & Mom | 爸爸媽媽的生日祝福
It’s my 20th birthday today, and I received the best birthday gift from my parents. Thank you Dad and Mom — it reminds me of all the wonderful things I thought I had lost through the course of life; it reminds me of the kind of person I want myself to be; it reminds me of the attitude I should have when life challenges me.
Listening to the Rain
It has been raining this entire afternoon. One of the best things about my apartment is the giant French window facing the lake. I have been working in front of my window for a few hours, listening to the rain tapping its melody on this window. This reminds me of what happened last summer: in a rainy afternoon in Taiwan, after I had tea with my high school friends, I sat in front of my window at home, writing an article and listening to the rain.
最近 Evanston 的天氣漸漸回暖,每天早晨總在一片啁啾鳥囀中睜開雙眼,推開窗戶,曉風也開始滲透著絲絲春意。最近我養成了一個習慣——每天晚上在敞開的窗戶旁,讓微涼的晚風伴我唸書,偶爾累了一抬頭就能看見一彎新月漾著淺笑。今天是這個學季的最後一天,我打理完了所有的瑣事後坐在窗邊,腦海中澎湃的思緒似乎隨著靜謐的夜色逐漸沈寂,我漫不經心地抬頭,一輪滿月。
此刻的聖荷西,依然14°C,恰巧是我去年此刻寫作時的溫度。窗外,午後的陽光隱翳在雲層之後,將層層灰藍色的雲朵都滾上了金邊。在Evanston 下第一場雪的那天下午,天空似乎正是這個顏色--大自然的畫家用金線筆在蒼穹描繪出雲層的輪廓。