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“Everytime We Touch” (guitar)

I usually don’t do the same song twice, but I really can’t wait to see all my dearest friends again. COVID has changed our lives in an unprecedented way, and many of our plans to get together were adjusted, postponed, or cancelled altogether. After we each embarked on our own journeys from the Bay Area in January 2020, we thought we were going to see each other again very soon. (I still remember we parted in tears at 1812 Sandhill Rd after our last turducken because we knew it was our last time together in that apartment.) Yet we have not been able to get the full group together in person since then.

I am thankful that we stayed connected this entire time, and that we are (hopefully) able to make turducken happen again. I am really looking forward to revisiting one of our best experiences at Stanford with everyone!

p.s. Felix, Matthijs, Jana, Callisto — may I join your band?